Twenty Fourth Week Of Pregnancy

Your baby is now starting to fill the space in your womb and chances are, you’re noticeably pregnant by now. Your baby’s patterns of sleeping and waking at 24 weeks are becoming more defined and you will probably find that when you’re sleeping, he or she is actually alert and kicking.

How big is my baby at 24 weeks pregnant? Watch Video

  • At 24 weeks, your baby is about a foot long i.e. about the size of an ear of corn.
  • Now, your baby weighs more than a pound and he or she is about 10 to 12 inches long.
  • At this point, the brain of your baby is growing quickly.
  • Your baby’s taste buds are continuing to develop.
  • His or her lungs are developing branches of the respiratory tree. The cells produce surfactant in the lungs which helps stabilize your baby’s air sacs that are important for healthy breathing.
  • Your baby’s skin is still thin and translucent.
  • Your baby is also developing eyelashes and eyebrows.
What body changes I will experience at 24 weeks pregnant?
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  • This week, you may experience dry and irritated eyes. It may become worse on wearing glasses or contact lenses. Lubricating eye drops or artificial tears may help manage this problem.
  • Around this time, you may notice stretch marks on your breasts, tummy, thighs, or hips. You can massage your tummy with any cream containing Vitamin E. The best time to do massage is after showering because at that time your skin is warm and damp.
  • You may also notice small pimple like spots on your areolas. When you shower, do not try to be too vigorous with the soap.
  • At 24 weeks of pregnancy, excess saliva is a common condition. So, do not worry. You may sometimes feel messy and irritating. You can try chewing gum, to absorb the excess saliva if you need to.
  • You may suffer from headaches, this week and your work or general concentration may get affected.
Glucose test to detect gestational diabetes- Watch Video

This week, your doctor may schedule a glucose test for you to screen for gestational diabetes. A simple blood test can help diagnose gestational diabetes.Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that mostly disappears after the baby is born. It occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin required to metabolize sugar in bloodstream. High level of sugar in your urine (determined by urine test), unusual thirst, and frequent urination are some of the common symptoms of this type of diabetes. Do not worry, because it is treatable and most often temporary.