Twenty First Week Of Pregnancy

As you have crossed the halfway mark, your baby continues to mature and develop. At this stage, your baby is sleeping quite nicely inside your belly. Your belly and weight continue to grow. At this point, you are at increased risk of urinary tract infections. Watch Video

So be aware. If you suspect an infection, then do not wait to call your doctor.

How big is my baby at 21 weeks pregnant? Watch Video

At 21 weeks, your baby is about the size of a carrot. When measured from crown to heel, your baby is over 8 1/2 inches long with weight around 12 ounces. This week, your baby can open his or her eyes and can swallow amniotic fluid. Now, your baby’s tiny finger and toe prints may be noticeable.

What symptoms I can experience at 21 weeks pregnant?
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Many women find the pregnancy symptoms little comfortable throughout their second trimester but some uncomfortable symptoms may still occur at 21 weeks pregnant.

  • Heartburn and Indigestion :
    You will continue to suffer from heartburn and indigestion. Avoid spicy and greasy foods and other triggers.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions :
    You may feel Braxton Hicks contractions and this symptom is totally normal and usually, the contractions occur when you switch positions. As your uterus practice for labor, it might occasionally feel tight. In case, pain or contractions do not stop, call your doctor immediately.
  • Larger breasts and fully developed milk ducts :
    Your beasts become larger and by the end of second trimester, your milk ducts will be fully developed.
  • Dry and itchy skin :
    You will continue to experience dry and itchy skin over your growing bump. Applying a pregnancy safe lotion can help reduce the itchiness on affected skin.
  • Stretch marks :
    Stretch marks are more common for women with a family history or who are pregnant with twins. There is no need to worry as these marks usually fade after childbirth.
  • Urinary tract infections :
    As your pregnancy progresses, UTI’s become more common. The infection may occur due to blockage of urine flow because of extra pressure of the uterus on bladder. So if you experience symptoms such as pain or burning sensation during urination, the urgency to urinate or frequent urination, then call your doctor.
Care Tips to manage chronic stress- Watch Video

No doubt, pregnancy is an exciting part of life but sometimes, it can be overwhelming. Whether it is emotional health or physical health, you should take extra care of yourself to avoid stress. Stress may occur due to the changes in hormone level, managing work at job or children at home and physical discomfort. Some stress is normal, but in case, you suffer from chronic stress, it is important to consult your doctor because it may affect your baby. Sometimes, counseling may be helpful. Chronic stress can be managed to some extent at home by following simple steps-

  • Eating a well-balanced and healthy diet
  • Doing regular exercise
  • Practicing relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation