Twentieth Week Of Pregnancy

Many congratulations! You are at the halfway point during 20th week of your pregnancy. You may feel fully pregnant as your belly is now a bump. Your appetite is back and you may have even felt the movement of your growing baby.

How big is my baby at 20 weeks? Watch Video

  • Your baby is the size of a banana at 20 weeks pregnant. He or she is about 6.5 inches long from crown to rump and weighs about 10.2 ounces.
  • Hair is already growing on your baby’s head. The fine and soft hair, called lanugo, is beginning to cover his or her body.
  • The thick and whitish substance, known as vernix caseosa, continues to form this week to protect your baby’s skin from amniotic fluid.
What body changes I will experience at 20 weeks? Watch Video
At 20 weeks, you should be feeling pretty good as you are in the middle of your second trimester and middle of your pregnancy.Your appetite may have increased. During this trimester, some symptoms such as nausea and fatigue may have disappeared but you may continue to experience the following symptoms-

  • Skin pigmentation
  • Food cravings
  • Body aches
  • Stretch marks

Braxton-Hicks contractions or false labor-

This week Braxton-Hicks contractions can also start as your body starts its early preparations for labor. Do not worry. These contractions are normal, usually mild, and also unpredictable.Sometimes you may feel such contractions just from sitting in a strange position or walking too much. Lying down and drinking water may help control the stronger ones.If you experience these contractions at regular intervals with pain, call your doctor because it can be the sign of preterm labor, a serious complication.

Anatomical Scan- Watch Video
This week, you may have your anatomical scan. This ultrasound scan is performed on the abdomen to give you a look at your baby from head to toe. It can be seen whether your baby’s organs are functioning properly or not. It can give you information about the location of your placenta and your amniotic fluid levels. You can go for this scan with your partner for special support.
Care Tips- Watch Video
Continue to take care of yourself by-

  • Eating well
  • Exercising regularly
  • Sleeping soundly

If you experience spotting or bleeding with strong, painful, or regular contractions, then contact your doctor immediately.

You have reached the major milestone in your pregnancy. No doubt, your due date may still seem far away, but you are continuously making steady progress to reach the finish line.