Thirty Seventh Week Of Pregnancy

Your due date is very close now and your baby will be here very soon. Just wait for few more days!

How my baby is growing at 37 weeks pregnant? Watch Video

  • At this point, your baby weighs over 6 pounds and measures around 19 inches, from head to heel.
  • Your baby is still packing on the pounds.
  • Your baby will be in the ‘engaged’ position, head down, and ready to go.
  • Your baby’s immune system is continuing to develop this week.
  • If your baby decides to come this week, then he or she might still have a little lanugo hair on his or her body.
  • Many babies have a full head of hair at birth.
What body changes I can experience at 37 weeks pregnant?
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  • When your baby drops, his or her head presses against your bladder. Due to this, you may feel like you have to urinate constantly or have a lower backache.
  • You will continue to experience swelling in your extremities, nausea, difficulty sleeping and Braxton Hicks contractions.
  • You may notice new stretch marks on your belly, this week.
What care tips I can follow at 37 weeks pregnant? Watch Video

  • Pack your bag. Your baby can decide to arrive any day now.
  • Keep a check on your baby’s movements. Call your doctor immediately if you notice decreased fetal movements or if you think, you may be experiencing contractions or any other signs of labor.
  • Stay hydrated because dehydration can put you into early labor.
Things to know- Watch Video
At this stage, you may have some intense dreams when you sleep. Anxiety about labor and becoming a parent can fuel a lot of strange thoughts in your mind. But do not worry, this is normal.