Third Week Of Pregnancy

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So, now you are 3 weeks pregnant? Congratulations, you are now officially pregnant. What does it mean to be 3 weeks pregnant? Well, it means that one of your eggs and one of your partner’s sperm have combined. With the result, you are in the earliest of stages of pregnancy.

This is the crucial week that transforms your pregnancy from the stage of “planning” into real existence. When we speak in terms of theory, ovulation occurs on or between 12th-14th day. Actually, the third week is the most favorable time for conception if fertilization has not occurred till the end of the second week.

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Healthy Diet

Pregnancy is a good time to start healthy eating habits. Including the following foods in your daily diet can help fulfill nutritional requirements of your body.

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Chapati (including mixed grain or stuffed chapati)
  • Dairy foods like milk, curd/yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese (paneer).
  • Starchy foods, such as rice, whole grain bread, and baked or boiled potatoes

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What To Do

  • Ask your friends, relatives, and family to recommend a good gynaecologist or obstetrician in your nearby area.
  • If you are working then don’t quit your job. Continue your daily normal activities until you are told to stop by your doctor.
  • Start taking healthy and balanced diet if you haven’t done so already. Begin eating foods that are important for your baby’s development.

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  • Is it normal to have cramps when I am 3 weeks pregnant?
    Mild abdominal cramping is a sign of implantation and it is normal in early weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, it has been three weeks since the first day of your last menstrual period.
  • What pregnancy symptoms will I have at three weeks?
    At 3 weeks, you may feel prickling and tingling sensation in your nipples. You may notice swelling in your breasts. There can be a slight increase in your vaginal discharge. You may experience other signs such as dizziness and drowsiness.
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