Sixth Week Of Pregnancy

Baby’s Development Watch Videos

During sixth week of pregnancy, you will start noticing the changes in your body. The changes occur due to your pregnancy hormones. Your uterus is growing now but people still can’t see that you are pregnant. The uterus may press on your bladder and send you rushing to bathroom, frequently. Frequent urination may also occur due to increased blood flow to your kidneys.

Other than frequent urination, there are several other symptoms which you may feel during this week. Although, pregnancy is an exciting time, but managing your symptoms during pregnancy can prove challenging.

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Healthy Diet Watch Videos

  • Continue to follow healthy and balanced diet. Drink plenty of water. Take nutrients to manage the loss that occurs through common pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Eat healthy and balanced diet.
  • Include multivitamins such as folic acid and iron into your daily diet. Folic acid helps to prevent neural tube defects of the brain and spine in your unborn baby. So, it is taken throughout pregnancy. It is more important to take folic acid in the early stages of pregnancy and before conception as well.
  • Cook your food thoroughly. Always wash properly the raw vegetables and fruits before you consume them.

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What To Do

Maintain overall good health to avoid situations that can make you sick. It is time to take some extra precautions. Following care tips can help you to enjoy a healthy pregnancy.

  • Do not lift or move heavy objects. Find someone to help you out.
  • Nothing is more important than the safety of your baby, at this stage. It is better to pass on the duty of cleaning toilet, dealing with bleach, phenyl, or chlorine-containing materials to another family member.
  • Do not allow the morning sickness to turn you into a bedridden. Get dressed and go out to take fresh air once in a while.

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  • What should I feel at 6 weeks pregnant?
    When you are six weeks pregnant, you may experience symptoms such as mood swings, morning sickness, fatigue, intense food cravings, weight gain, tender breasts, and nausea.
  • Is it still possible to get a positive pregnancy test even after a miscarriage?
    Yes. Because very low levels of hCG can be detected with the help of pregnancy tests. Hence, taking a pregnancy test after few days or immediate weeks after your miscarriage can still show a positive result. Even, when it is confirmed that you have miscarried, you may continue to feel some pregnancy signs after a miscarriage.

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