Nineteenth Week Of Pregnancy

Your belly is growing faster at 19 weeks pregnant. You may think that you are big now. Actually, your baby is growing fast and gaining weight. But still, your baby doesn’t have much fat in his or her body. What is going on with your baby this week? Let us discuss.

How my baby is growing at 19 weeks pregnant? Watch Video

Now, your baby measures about 6 inches from head to bottom and weighs about 8 1/2 ounces. The sensory development of your baby is progressing.

  • Your baby’s brain is developing specialized areas for hearing, vision, smell, taste, and touch.
  • The vernix caseosa, a waxy protective coating, is now forming on your baby’s skin to prevent him or her from pickling in the amniotic fluid.
  • The hair on your baby’s scalp is sprouting.
  • Your baby’s arms and legs are in proportion to each other.
  • The kidneys of your baby continue to make urine.

What body changes I may experience at 19 weeks pregnant?

You will continue to experience some pregnancy symptoms as in the previous week.

  • Round ligament pain : Watch Video

    You may experience stabbing pain in your lower abdomen on one or both sides. The pain usually occurs when you shift your position or at the end of your active day. Most of the times, it is round ligament pain. It occurs due to stretching of ligaments that support your uterus to support your increasing weight. Do not worry, this is normal but in case pain continues even when you are resting then call your doctor immediately.
  • Skin changes : Watch Video

    You may notice redness in palms of your hands due to extra estrogen.Due to temporary increase in pigment, you may notice patches of darkened skin. Patches may appear on your upper lip, cheeks, and forehead.Darkened spots will fade after childbirth. But protect yourself from scorching heat in the sun which can otherwise intensify the pigment changes. Cover yourself while going out in sun.
  • Hot flashes : Watch Video

    You will feel warmer than usual due to increased blood flow in your body. You may notice that you sweat more now. Drink plenty of water and other fluids. Keep your clothing cool and light.
19 weeks pregnant ultrasound scan- Watch Video

Fetal morphology scan, also known as routine second-trimester transabdominal ultrasound, is usually done between 18th and 20th weeks of your pregnancy. Scan allows your doctor to see external as well as internal body parts of your growing baby. This scan is usually done to evaluate the fetal growth and heartbeat. The defects in developing fetus can also be identified if any.