Fifth Week Of Pregnancy

Baby’s Development Watch Videos

It’s the 5th week. You have missed your menstrual period by now and a pregnancy test should have come positive, again. This week marks the start of embryonic period. The body systems and structures of baby such as heart, brain, and spinal cord begin to form. The placenta is also starting to develop during this week. The heart of your baby beats at a steady rate now.

During 5th week of your pregnancy, you can experience any or all of the following symptoms. Most of these symptoms occur due to increased level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone.

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Healthy Diet Watch Videos

  • Continue to follow a balanced diet. Stay hydrated. In addition to water, drink milk and healthy fruit juices.
  • Take your prenatal vitamin- Folic acid may lower the risk of some birth defects. So, it is important to include those foods in your diet that are rich in folic acid. Take a prenatal vitamin supplement that contains high level of folic acid. Many prenatal vitamins now provide DHA and EPA. These nutrients help in healthy development of brain and eye in your baby. These omega-3 fatty acids also help to make your breast milk more nutritious.

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What To Do

  • Get early prenatal care- Schedule your prenatal doctor visit, if you haven’t already done so. Going for regular check up is must for healthy pregnancy. Your doctor will let you know what actions to take to keep you and your baby healthy for nine months.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol- Do not smoke cigarettes. Stop drinking alcohol. Avoid taking excess caffeine.


  • Can you get a positive pregnancy test at 5 weeks?
    Yes, most women will receive a positive pregnancy test result when they are 5 weeks pregnant. And if they still don’t get a positive result, then they may experience early signs of pregnancy such as breast changes, mood swings, morning sickness, lightheadedness, fatigue, frequent urination, abdominal cramps and vaginal discharge.
  • What happens during a miscarriage at 5 weeks?
    10 to 20 percent of expectant mothers have a miscarriage at 5 weeks. The occurrence of a miscarriage at 5th week of pregnancy may be misdiagnosed as a late menstrual period. Bleeding that occurs due to miscarriage is heavier than menstrual period. In addition to bleeding, you may experience symptoms such as fatigue, frequent urination and sore breasts due to miscarriage.

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