Eleventh Week Of Pregnancy

You and your baby at 11 weeks pregnant- Watch Video

Congratulations! The first trimester is going to complete very soon. Just one more week to go! If you are waiting until you enter the second trimester to share this good news, you may want to start thinking about how you’ll tell your family, relatives, and friends.

What my baby is doing when I am eleven weeks pregnant?

  • Your baby is about the size of a lime, this week. He or she has waved goodbye to webbed hands and feet.
  • Hair follicles form on the crown and rest of your baby’s body, this week.
  • Nail beds are starting to develop.
  • Your baby’s head still accounts for around half of the length and torso will grow over next few weeks.
  • Your baby’s bones are hardening but his or her skin is still transparent. 
  • As your baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid, he or she has learned to swallow.
  • Your baby’s organs are continuing to grow and form. Some of them are already functioning.
  • More blood vessels will appear in the placenta to provide nutrients and oxygen to your growing baby.
  • The ears of your baby will move to their correct position i.e. from the neck to side of head.
  • Your baby will be kicking and stretching but you won’t feel any movement for next one or two months.
  • Your baby’s reproductive organs are developing.

What’s going on with my body at eleven weeks pregnant?
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  • Morning sickness, a common complaint during early weeks of pregnancy, will be starting to die down, hopefully. You will continue to experience other symptoms which you had in last weeks.
  • You’ll be getting your appetite back but still, don’t go overboard. Stick to nutritious and healthy meals. Avoid eating too much junk food.
  • You may find your jeans a little tighter this week. Of course, anyone can easily expect that now you’re pregnant. But sometimes, this occurs due to bloating. You will continue to experience this pregnancy symptom this week too. It is better to eat little and often rather than eating three or four big meals.
  • During this week, your uterus continues to expand to accommodate the increasing size of your baby. You may experience light twinges as this expansion continues.
  • Snoring is another unexpected side effect of those pregnancy hormones. Pregnancy hormones can make the inside of your nose swell. So, you can blame the hormones if you’ve woken yourself or anyone else sleeping with you up during night.

Wellness at 11 weeks pregnant- Watch Video

Eating healthy, exercising regularly, and doing proper rest are still needed during this week for keeping you and your baby healthy. If you feel tired or exhausted, it is completely OK. In fact, most women are more tired than usual while they’re pregnant. This happens due to your body’s hard work to produce hormones and more blood to support the developing body of your baby. The high level of progesterone in your body at this time is directly responsible for how sleepy you are.

Care tips for fighting fatigue: Watch Video

  • Get proper rest. It sounds simple but during this time you should get proper rest and not less. Your body needs extra hours of sleep. So, be sure to build them into your regular routine.
  • Learn to say NO and avoid taking on extra commitments during this time.
  • Whether you are at home, on the job, or during your other activities, ask for help, whenever you need.
  • Do some exercises and stay active. Regular physical exercise will leave you feeling more energized.
  • Eat a healthy balanced diet. It’s more important to continue eating iron and protein rich diet. Take additional calories to stay healthy.