Eighteenth Week Of Pregnancy

No matter, you are 18 weeks pregnant with single baby, twins or triplets;Get ready to feel more definitive sensations Watch Video

that resemble actual baby kicks. Yes, they are not just tiny flutters now. They are getting stronger day by day. So, feel a life inside your body and enjoy this exciting phase of your life.

What my baby is doing at 18 weeks pregnant? Watch Video
  • Your baby’s fingerprints are nearly complete.
  • Baby’s heart has formed completely and its different structures can be seen on ultrasound.
  • Your baby’s senses are rapidly maturing too. More taste buds are formed.
  • At last, your baby is able to use his or her ears. He or she can now hear your loud noise and sounds like your heartbeat and blood pumping through the umbilical cord.
  • Your baby’s visceral organs such as heart and liver are growing fast, and so baby is now sitting more erect inside you to make room for them.
  • Baby now has 200 bones, which are continuing to harden.
  • The placenta is still your baby’s main source of nutrients and oxygen.

What symptoms I may feel at 18 weeks pregnant? Watch Video

You may feel some pregnancy symptoms such as swollen feet or hands, back pain, leg cramps etc which can cause discomfort. The stress can keep you up at night.

  • Swelling in feet and hands :
    It can be annoying but there is no need to worry because swelling isn’t severe. But if it is severe, then call your doctor immediately.
  • Cramping in legs :
    Due to dehydration, you may suffer from leg cramps. So, drink water and other healthy fluids.
  • Purple or blue varicose veins :
    Due to pressure on your circulatory system, purple or blue color veins get swollen. To manage this symptom, do some exercise, avoid wearing tight clothes, change your position often and give proper support to your legs.
  • Back pain :
    As your baby is putting pressure on your insides, you may suffer from backaches.
  • Difficulty in sleeping :
    As your mind is overworking this time, you will find it difficult to sleep. Take short naps whenever you can and go to bed early at night.
  • Nosebleeds :
    Your nose may be making it bleed more than usual around this time because of extra pressure on the veins. Applying an ice pack on the nose can help stop the bleeding.

Care tips to follow- Watch Video

  • Avoid standing or sitting for long periods and try to keep your legs elevated to manage swelling.
  • In case you feel dizziness, don’t spring up too fast from lying or sitting position.
  • Do plenty of rest and eat enough food to feel good.
  • Switch your sleeping position from back to sides.