Have a healthy pregnancy with just six simple steps

August 18, 2017

Have a healthy pregnancy with just six simple steps

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Congratulations! You’re pregnant. Now, it’s more important than ever to take extra care of yourself. In this world of technology, almost everyone is using social media to stay updated. So, social health awareness about pregnancy care can be spread through social media. Here we are discussing some simple tips and by following them you can boost your chances of having a problem-free pregnancy.

Get early prenatal care-
It is important to get good prenatal care for you and your baby. So, book an appointment with your healthcare provider to schedule your first prenatal visit. Your doctor will screen you for certain serious conditions that could lead to complications. Health awareness in India can be spread to help pregnant women avoid complications of pregnancy.

Take proper diet-
When you become pregnant, you need about 300 additional calories per day. So, make sure your diet is healthy enough to give you the required amount of calories. Get plenty of protein, calcium and iron rich foods.

Take prenatal vitamins-
Most common and important prenatal supplements are folic acid and iron. Folic acid reduces your baby’s risk of developing neural tube birth defects and hence it is important before conception and during early pregnancy. Your iron requirement also increases significantly during pregnancy. INDIA MEDICAL HUB creates animated videos for pregnancy care and spreads health awareness in India through its social media channels.

Do some exercises regularly-
A good workout plan can give you the strength and endurance to manage the weight gain, ease aches and pains, and improve sluggish circulation in your legs, during pregnancy. It is, in fact, a great way to reduce stress.

Do proper rest-
The fatigue is one of the common symptoms you will feel during your pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimesters. As your body is saying to slow down, listen up and take it easy and do proper rest. Taking a short nap during the day can help. Go to bed early in the night. Opt for some relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing, and massage if needed to get a better night’s sleep. Health awareness program can be run to give an idea of what should be done during pregnancy.

Say no to alcohol, smoking, and illicit drugs-
Don’t drink alcohol once you are pregnant. Drinking alcohol can increase your risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. If you are taking any drug, remember, it gets into your baby’s bloodstream as well. Illicit drugs can restrict your baby’s growth, cause withdrawal symptoms and birth defects in your baby. Smoking increases the risk of miscarriage, growth problems, placental abruption, and premature delivery. So, better you avoid all such bad lifestyle habits during your pregnancy.

So, do not forget to follow these six simple steps to have a healthy pregnancy. We wish you a safe motherhood. If you have any query, you can ask us in the comment section.

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